A. Nudelman — jstring26.com

[[email protected]]

1. I am Aharon Nudelman, born in Moscow, studied and worked in Moscow. At the age of 39 I went to Israel.

2. This website currently contains two articles (№ 1 and № 2), in both PDF and HTML formats.

English Russian
№ 1 The Solar System's Manifestation of Planck Mass and Proton Mass  [PDF]    [HTML] ПРОЯВЛЕНИЕ В СОЛНЕЧНОЙ СИСТЕМЕ МАССЫ ПЛАНКА И МАССЫ ПРОТОНА  [PDF]    [HTML]
№ 2 Radii and Volumes of Electromagnetic Wave Quanta  [PDF]    [HTML] РАДИУСЫ И ОБЪЕМЫ КВАНТОВ ЭЛЕКТРОМАГНИТНЫХ ВОЛН  [PDF]    [HTML]
I hope that two more articles will be added to the website later.

3. My articles are written in Russian and translated into English.

4. Article № 1: The Solar System's Manifestation of Planck Mass and Proton Mass (I provide the Abstract of this article here).

5. Article № 2: Radii and Volumes of Electromagnetic Wave Quanta.

Abstract (from article № 1)

It is well known that the average distances of the planets from the Sun are quantized according to the law: $2^1, 2^2, 2^3, \dots$. This law was established by Titius and Bode in the second half of the 18th century (this law has no strict scientific explanation to this day).

The average distance of a planet from the Sun ($L_{\!_R}$) is the radius of its orbit. The necessary calculations are made and we indicate (discover) two more laws in the Solar System (the calculations consider the mass of a planet, its orbital velocity $V_{pl}$ and the product $V_{pl}$ $L_{\!_R}$): the ratio of the densities of all the planets (and the density of the Sun) can be represented as such integers $1, 2, 3, 6, 8$ (the density of the Sun corresponds to 2); for all planets the product $V_{pl}L_R$ quantized (according to the sequence of integers).

The main thing in this article: we establish the law (formula) of transformation from the quantized parameters of a hydrogen atom to the quantized parameters of the Solar System: $\boldsymbol{V_{pl}L_R = m_{P}/m_p[N(h/2\pi m_e)]}$.

Here: $m_{P}$—Planck mass, $m_p$—the mass of a proton, $h$—Planck constant, $m_e$—the mass of an electron.
$N = 3, 4, 5, 6$ (for the planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars);
$N = 11, 15, 21, 26, 30$ (for the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto).